Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Schools in Session

"Your child will be brought up as a slave to except becoming a slave later in life in adulthood."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Thought It Was Good...

You put the word green and dress it up in earth tons and you have people salivating to stick their dick in it, because we all just want to circle jerk ourselves into oblivion about how "earth conscious we are.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Howard Zinn is Dead...Chomsky is...

If Bush did it...I'd be out...of the...largest...prison..I'm an anarchistic! Bitch..I must be Noam Chomsky."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What Have You Learned?

[–]MetaModernMan 456 points ago*

Also 35 years old.

  • One of the best ways to change yourself is to pretend to be the person you want to be. It's practice.

  • Spending time alone and being lonely are two different things. One is completely in your head.

  • Trying to impress people is generally counter productive. Impress yourself.

  • Often the only thing you have direct control over is your reaction to people and situations. It is amazing how much control you can have over everything else by paying attention to your response to stimulus.

  • Start assuming that anyone being a dick to you is having an unbelievably bad/day/week/life. Kindness is both effective and disarming. Also, it will make them feel much worse about being a dick much faster than being a dick back to them.

  • Taking care of other people is awesome. If you are not taking care of yourself, you cannot effectively help other people. Seek support for yourself where appropriate.

  • If you do not ask for what you want, nobody is going to know to give it to you.

  • Not knowing what to do is normal. Not being paralyzed by it, and finding a way to figure out what to do is extraordinary.

  • Extra research is always good. Except when someone you love has cancer and you are trying find comfort in the odds of their recovery.

  • If you just show up to a job interview presenting yourself as though you give a damn, and are a nice, reasonable person, you have already beat out 50%+ of the applicants.

  • Introverts should not feel bad for not being extroverts.

  • Science: It works, bitches.

    (via reddit.com/r/Askreddit)

As Nader So Eloquently Put It

"I think we can all agree that Washington is like the inflamed colon after 20 years without even a flake of Raisin Bran. What it needs is a Ron Paul enema — let’s let it run through the system, clean everything out — You wouldn’t get an enema every day — but we need one right now."

-Ralph Nader

    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Jeff Bridges Rocks My World

    Jeff Bridges performs songs from both Crazy Heart and Big Lebowski. (Via Rollingstone)

    One of my all time favorite performers, Jeff Bridges, moves even closer to my heart with his performance of Falling and Falling by Steven Bruton off of the Crazy Heart sound track. Crazy Heart was an emotional ride for me and his performance was astounding.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    Why I Drink.

    "Show me a man who doesn’t drink and I’ll show you a man who knows exactly where he’s going in life—right down to the moment they stuff him in that ugly little hole in the ground. If you know exactly where you’re going and know exactly how you’re getting there then you are already there—in the hole. The shortest line between two points is a straight one, and I intend to put as many kinks in that line as humanly possible. And what better than alcohol to expose the grander map and lend the confidence to take those strange trips down side alleys sober eyes would never see. When we’re drunk we are no longer in the gray lockstep toward the prison of death—we are brilliant, resilient men who will assuredly find our fortunes, we will pluck them out of thin air because we are pure-hearted and willing to take chances. See, that’s the true beauty of alcohol. It feeds you the beautiful and shimmering dream, then has the grace to hammer you unconscious before you can realize it is all a monstrous and terrible lie.

    Also, I like the taste."

    —Frank Rich, Modern Drunkard Magazine

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    When faced

    When faced with a culture that wants to destroy itself it's hard to understand your own self worth. People tend to generalize their hatred towards one another. You feel sad and separated, but there is no need for this, because people are victims of a self saturated society of greed and their own worlds. I always like to say "it's their world and we're just visiting."

    I'm happy to say I'm starting to understand people and I've grown a huge empathy. I'm starting to gain my humanity back.

    Alan Moore Mother F*ckers

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    A bit of wisdom from myself

    The other day I was talking with a co-worker about another co-worker who cross dresses and an amazing pearl of wisdom fell out of my mouth:

    "Imagine being so uncomfortable in your own skin and suddenly you find something that makes you happy about yourself and makes you feel like you. Now imagine that feeling when you're finally comfortable and the whole world is ridiculing you."


    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    Friday, July 1, 2011

    I just found out about these guys today...

    Why the hell haven't heard of these guys before? These guys were way ahead of their time.

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Stephen Fry is my hero

    Stephen Fry is one of my hero's and this is one of the greatest moments for him and my sanity!

    Tuesday, June 21, 2011

    Friday, June 17, 2011

    Friday, June 10, 2011

    Andrea Gibson, Photograph

    This was simply beautiful. I had tears running down my cheeks.

    Sunday, June 5, 2011

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011

    Well I thought it was pretty good.

    How would you like to interpret this one:

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Good night.

    As we sit the world moves closer on us. Our worlds become convenience and small. Manageable some might say, but those that exist in real time would say we've trapped our-selves.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Collectivism/Anarcho-Communism - Planned Chaos

    I've always been a bit torn between Anarcho-Communism or Anarcho-Syndicalism and Anarcho-Capitalism. I like the idea of home steading and living in a collective or having small self governing societies, but on the grand scale it wouldn't be possible. This video makes a great point that if one wishes to have a syndicalist commune Anarcho-Capitalism would be the way to achieve that. First and foremost I agree with every side of anarchism is that the state is the problem and we must rid ourselves of it.

    True News: Nuclear Power Exposed! - From Freedomain Radio

    One of the greatest philosophers of Anarcho-Capitalism, Stephan Molyneux, talks of the ridiculous notions of the "Free Market" and nuclear power.

    Ludovico Einaudi - I Giorni

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    A Thousand Words

    Check, check (2) ya'll! My other friends photo blog. I think this ones better...sssshhhh.

    A Thousand Words

    Les Photos de M.Gorille.

    Check, check it ya'll. My buddies photo blog. You should definitely take a look.

    Les Photos de M.Gorille.

    Final Vote Results for Roll Call 29

    Congrats America! Providing for consideration of H.R. 514, to extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 has passed.

    Final Vote Results for Roll Call 29

    This vote was so under the radar and I heard little to nothing of a murmur about it in the media. Oh, I wonder why? We can't possibly give up the right of the government to constantly snoop and have unprecedented powers to imprison it's citizens.

    The best part of this is that the Democrats were the majority of the Nays. Now lets all not get a chair and hoist them up over our shoulders. The only reason why is because the majority of the yeas were republican. The democrats and the republicans both voted for the passage of the PATRIOT ACT, PATRIOT ACT II, VICTORY ACT and MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT.

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Now For Something Not So Serious

    Every once in awhile we've got to take a break from life and just take the time to appreciate a ridiculous song about Space Unicorns. Honestly I really do enjoy the song especially at the end. It's a fun comfy pop satire. Thanks To Parry Gripp for making great songs taking on meme's and allowing us to not take life and music so serious.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Anonymous to security firm working with FBI: "You've angered the hive"

    Anonymous to security firm working with FBI: "You've angered the hive"

    From there humble beginnings protesting Scientology these folks have really amped it up!

    It's unlikely that Anonymous cares about what Hoglund thinks, though. Several of the company's e-mails indicated that Barr was looking for ways to spin its info about Anonymous as a pro-HBGary PR move, which Anonymous took special issue with. The group warned HBGary that it had "charged into the Anonymous hive" and now the company is "being stung."

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    "Instruments of Destruction"

    Thank you to the The Daily What for sharing this awesome video. The style reminds me of a mad scientist from an Anime.

    Monday, January 31, 2011

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Obama defends abortion as a right as lawmakers get set to roll them back | Mail Online

    Obama defends abortion as a right as lawmakers get set to roll them back | Mail Online:
    "The President said the 1973 Roe v Wade decision that legalised abortion affirmed what he called a 'fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters'."

    I couldn't agree more Mr. Obama. I'm really not a fan of government being involved with anything in my life, but mark my words if I can take advantage of it I will. hand outs that is not abortion. I mean...I couldn't possibly have an abortion I'm a dude. Oh shit well maybe not! Haven't you ever seen Junior?

    But what is hope?

    "But what is hope? Hope is a longing for a future condition over which we have no agency. That’s how we use the word in every day language. I don’t say, “Gosh, I hope I put my shoes on before I go outside.” I just do it. On the other hand, the next time I get on a plane I hope it doesn’t crash. After I get on the plane I have no agency."
    -Derrick Jensen

    Obama Hears a Hu - Infoshop News

    Here's a great piece pointing out the inherent corporatistic ideologies that are still and most likely always will be a part of Washington's agenda. Whether it be Bush or O'bama we can all rest assure that with the ever so eager helping hand of governments the rich will get wealthier and the poor, well, they get there jobs shipped over seas. You fill in the rest.

    Naturally, top U.S. corporations were represented at President Hu Jintao’s prestigious State dinner. The seats were filled with CEOs from Boeing, Dow Chemical, General Electric and Microsoft among others. These same corporations had prime advertising space in the USA Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, where Dow Chemical touted its commitment to environmental protection and General Electric branded the VIP Lounge, “GE Imagination Theater”. Stories of the corporate control and worker unrest at the USA Pavilion can be found at: http://www.chengduliving.com/greed-and-corruption-usa-pavilion/#comments

    Wagging US companies in front of China’s nose has worked for Washington. President Hu Jintao announced to buy $19 billion of aircraft from Boeing and Shenhua Energy signed a $2.5 billion contract with GE.

    Boeing just announced the elimination of 1,100 jobs, apparently a new $19 billion deal can’t support the livelihoods of the working class that make their warplanes.

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    The Horoscope is a Lie.

    I've never found horoscopes to be useful, nor have I ever found them to have the slightest amount of truth to them. They're filled with massive amounts of loaded words, vague descriptions and are usually emotionally driven. But, most of all they seem like they are completely the same all the time!

    Well finally my assumptions have come true. The folks over at http://www.informationisbeautiful.net did some friendly hacking on Yahoo!'s horoscope page and grabbed 22,000 horoscopes for every sign and made a nice word cloud of the most common words used for each sign. And guess what? 90% of the words are all shared!

    The website broke this down into the 50 most common words and found the most unique words in two analysis' and quite frankly I couldn't be happier about being a Virgo. The first ones was 'take' and 'careful'. The second ones were 'totally' and 'perfect'. If you didn't realize I really preferred the later.

    For fun lets try to make a horoscope specifically out of the words represented in the cloud above for my sign:

    Plans? best friends perfect moment comes fun. Ready? Dealing energy careful turn enough matter help. Better feel life exactly. Takes everything totally sure. Mind change nothing situation. World, keep love.
    OK well that is just ridiculous! What a load of crap! Hold on let me check my real horoscope:

    Believe in your vision. Like never before, you see good and bad as they truly are.


    You feel less organized than usual, which isn't much fun. You may have to force yourself to take care of business, but that's not so far off from your skill set. Things get better soon!

    Really? That's it...frankly, I'm not convinced.


    This Isn't Your Fathers Lounge!

    Travesty - Completion by Travesty

    You May Not Be a Geek, But...

    Whilst having a conversation with my co-workers about how we grew up and the social constructs in which we resided in, she directed me towards this great article; Five Geek Social Fallacies. In this article it outlines 5 fallacies that "geeks" encounter in large groups of friends.

    Now I do not consider myself to be a "geek" in any respects of the word, nor have I ever had a large centralized group of friends, but I have had friends that have been and still are in those situations.

    I consider myself to be a "people watcher" and I tend to over analyze social structures between people and this article was spot on to the groups that I observed while growing up. The interesting part about this, though, is that the majority of them I didn't consider to be geeks, but they all had one thing in common; they all were somewhat of an outcast from the "popular" or "normal" groups.

    These fallacies could also exist in those "popular" groups, but I never really had an interest in them.

    Although, I did not have these large groups of friends the author did give people like me a shout out:
    Less commonly, people form a sort of counter-fallacy which I call "Your Feelings, Your Problem". YFYP carriers deal with other people's fallacies by ignoring them entirely, in the process acquiring a reputation for being charmingly tactless. Carriers tend to receive a sort of exemption from the usual standards: "that's just Dana", and so on. YFYP has its own problems, but if you would rather be an asshole than angstful, it may be the way to go. It's also remarkably easy to pull off in a GSF1-rich environment.
    I have one problem with this, I don't think I'm an asshole and I certainly hope that the people that I do hang around with don't think I am. I may be a bit callous and distant, I may not invest myself in relationships and I may make jokes that are offensive, but I'm certainly not without compassion and understanding. This isn't to say I don't have any friends (Most likely I have more than you;)) or that I have any drama with them.

    It has taken a long time for me to accept the idea that I don't have a large group of friends. I use to envy those that did, but after observing them for this long I don't think I ever wanted that in the first place. I'm pretty sure if you take the time to read the article you can find that group of friends that you know or knew and you'll most likely find yourself, that is, if you don't have a problem taking a look at yourself.

    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    If only he could see himself now.

    I wake up most mornings thinking of the past. Usually because of a dream that I had with friends in them that I rarely talk to any more. I wake up with a sense of nostalgia and I can't seem to shake this feeling that if I had done something different things would be better.

    "The grass is greener on the other side" they always say, but I sometimes really believe that things would have been better - more fulfilling. I don't know if that's just the way my train of thought is all the time or that I'm really just romanticizing.

    I think about how I used to be. I think about how conversations used to flow so easily and how I was confident in being me. How my opinion matter and I had a deeper sense of life and what it meant. Or at least I romanticize about the past so much that I've made my past me more significant than what it really was.

    I find myself to be more shallow, less understanding and frankly sometimes void of passion. Is it just age? Is it just the fact that I've decided that I now know somethings as to be certain. I decided a long time ago that I was an atheist. That god could not exist in anyway shape or form because of the cards that I was dealt. Not to say that the cards were not more favorable than others, because they most certainly were, but because religion played a significant role in separating my family. Although, those events happened I still had a feeling of spirituality. A sense of a greater purpose.

    I knew at that time that we all shared energy with each other and that energy was indisputable. It gave me a sense of peace, a feeling of harmony with others. I used to read things about Reiki and books like The Celestine Prophecies. I used to argue the interconnectivity of everyone by citing new findings in quantum physics.

    But all that is behind us now. I work long hours I certainly don't go out as often as I used to. I don't feel as though I have any real connection to anyone I know any more. I feel callous and angry most of the time and what I project is fake. Inside I worry and think of the past. How much time have I wasted drinking alone when now I could have been drinking with friends. How many times have I been conversing online rather then conversing in front? How many times am I going to let it burn me from the inside before I do anything about it?

    If I could see myself today as I was yesterday, what is it that I would have to say?