Thursday, August 25, 2011

What Have You Learned?

[–]MetaModernMan 456 points ago*

Also 35 years old.

  • One of the best ways to change yourself is to pretend to be the person you want to be. It's practice.

  • Spending time alone and being lonely are two different things. One is completely in your head.

  • Trying to impress people is generally counter productive. Impress yourself.

  • Often the only thing you have direct control over is your reaction to people and situations. It is amazing how much control you can have over everything else by paying attention to your response to stimulus.

  • Start assuming that anyone being a dick to you is having an unbelievably bad/day/week/life. Kindness is both effective and disarming. Also, it will make them feel much worse about being a dick much faster than being a dick back to them.

  • Taking care of other people is awesome. If you are not taking care of yourself, you cannot effectively help other people. Seek support for yourself where appropriate.

  • If you do not ask for what you want, nobody is going to know to give it to you.

  • Not knowing what to do is normal. Not being paralyzed by it, and finding a way to figure out what to do is extraordinary.

  • Extra research is always good. Except when someone you love has cancer and you are trying find comfort in the odds of their recovery.

  • If you just show up to a job interview presenting yourself as though you give a damn, and are a nice, reasonable person, you have already beat out 50%+ of the applicants.

  • Introverts should not feel bad for not being extroverts.

  • Science: It works, bitches.


As Nader So Eloquently Put It

"I think we can all agree that Washington is like the inflamed colon after 20 years without even a flake of Raisin Bran. What it needs is a Ron Paul enema — let’s let it run through the system, clean everything out — You wouldn’t get an enema every day — but we need one right now."

-Ralph Nader

    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Jeff Bridges Rocks My World

    Jeff Bridges performs songs from both Crazy Heart and Big Lebowski. (Via Rollingstone)

    One of my all time favorite performers, Jeff Bridges, moves even closer to my heart with his performance of Falling and Falling by Steven Bruton off of the Crazy Heart sound track. Crazy Heart was an emotional ride for me and his performance was astounding.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    Why I Drink.

    "Show me a man who doesn’t drink and I’ll show you a man who knows exactly where he’s going in life—right down to the moment they stuff him in that ugly little hole in the ground. If you know exactly where you’re going and know exactly how you’re getting there then you are already there—in the hole. The shortest line between two points is a straight one, and I intend to put as many kinks in that line as humanly possible. And what better than alcohol to expose the grander map and lend the confidence to take those strange trips down side alleys sober eyes would never see. When we’re drunk we are no longer in the gray lockstep toward the prison of death—we are brilliant, resilient men who will assuredly find our fortunes, we will pluck them out of thin air because we are pure-hearted and willing to take chances. See, that’s the true beauty of alcohol. It feeds you the beautiful and shimmering dream, then has the grace to hammer you unconscious before you can realize it is all a monstrous and terrible lie.

    Also, I like the taste."

    —Frank Rich, Modern Drunkard Magazine